Top photo: me and Brother Joris in the lab at Westvleteren
(De Sint-Sixtusabdij van Westvleteren) about to open a 1969
Abt 12.
Hi everybody! I survived ten days in Belgium, three days of
Philly Beer Week,and the Sante event in Baltimore between the
end of of May and last Sunday.
I'm starting to feel like myself again after several days resting up.
I have five new articles out in three different beer publications
as of the first week of June.

Two of them are in Ale Street News. One is my regular "Belgian
Babble"column. The other is "St. Bernardus and Westvleteren: The
Real Story" which tells a brief history of the St. Bernardus and
Westvleteren beers.
This one is not on-line, so you'll have to get a copy of the
brewspaper and have a look at page 11-A. I might be able to
put the story on this site at a later time.
Photo: Marco Passarella, Sales and Marketing Manager for
St. Bernardus (left) in the brewhouse
I'll have to seek out a Ale Street News as I am interested in that exact story and their relationship.
According Dan Carey at New Glarus, the next Unplugged beer is an ABT based on St. Bernardus or Westvleteren 12. Dan's beers are pretty good, so I'll be curious how it turns out.
Sounds pretty familiar !
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