(Photo, above: Olivier Dedeycker, brewmaster,
Brasserie Dupont.)
Looooong time no post here. Ten days in Belgium at the end of
September, then ten days of Baltimore Beer Week, and then
several article deadlines soon after will do that to a beer writer.
Yeah, I know. Excuses, excuses.
(Photo, above: the brewhouse is in this building)
But there is good news for all you Belgian beer lovers out
there., especially those who like world class saisons, strong
blonde ales and legendary winter brews.
I've been working on a movie of Brasserie Dupont for some
time now. Using the iMovie program on a Mac, I've taken about
70 still photos I snapped at the brewery, along with an audiotaped
interview with Brewmaster/Director Olivier Dedeycker, and made
it into a six minute movie.
(Photo, above: Dupont's 1920 boiling kettles.)
There's also a nearly 5,000 word article based on interviews
with Olivier, with much of the history of the brewery. Much of
it I had never heard before, so I think it makes for a very
interesting read.
Brewmaster/Brewery Director Dedeycker has never been to the
USA, despite working at Dupont for 21 years, and being the head
honcho for the last nine of those.
Don Feinberg and Wendy Littlefield, the husband and wife team
that runs Vanberg & DeWulf, importers of the Dupont brews and
many others brews, tell me this will one of the first times most
people stateside have seen, let alone heard Dedeycker speak.
He's a soft-spoken, modest, reserved guy, but he's also a serious
beer lover. In fact, Olivier told me he is a fanatic for authentic
lambic and gueuze, such as Girardin Black Label Oude Gueuze.
I picked out some of my best shots inside and outside Brasserie
Dupont, as well as at their taproom, Les Caves Dupont, and the
Cafe La Forge just a hundred meters away.
You can read all about this in the pdf article which is paired with
either a Quicktime movie, or MPEG-4 files.
Each zip file download comes with small, medium and large size
files of either the Quicktime movie (best for Mac users) and
MPEG-4, which will open in newer versions of Windows
Media Player, and also in Quicktime.
PC and Mac users can download Quicktime for free at:
The price for this content filled, fascinating look into and
article about one of the world's great breweries? Just $2.99
You can purchase the movie at the top right hand
corner of this blog page where you see the Visa/
Mastercard emblem.
Cheers, and Sante!
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