I am very happy to say that I have the cover feature in the newest issue of Beers of the World magazine, which is the premier beer magazine in the United Kingdom.
I last had an article in Beers of the World (also the cover feature!) in issue 16, in early 2008.
In "Beer Country: Belgium" I wrote about 35 great Belgian breweries in a 1,650 word piece, as well as ten great beer fests.
This new article in issue 22 is my fifth overall in the magazine since early 2007. I also have had articles published about Bierhuis Kulminator; Breweries and Cafes in Brussels; and Belgium's female brewmasters. See:
Beers of the World author Charles D. CookEditor Sally Toms sent me a copy of issue 22 (February/March 2009) last week. My article "Celebrating Cafe Culture" is 2,000 words in length, and a dozen of my photographs were used. All the photos except the one on the first page of the article are mine.
The article is about the great beer cafes that are located outside the well-known, well-traveled cities of Antwerp, Brugge, Brussels and Ghent-though you'll see a couple of photos from cafes in those cities in the story.
Great cafes like De Heeren Van Liedekercke in Denderleeuw, De Gans in Huise, De Rare Vos in Schepdaal, Cafe Yes in Libramont and Le Vaudree in Angleur (Liege) are discussed, among others, as are beer recommendations.
Many thanks to Sally and the Beers of the World staff for their frequent and excellent promotion and coverage of Belgium and its great beer culture.
I'm just one of the many writers that pen articles about Belgium in BOTW.
In 2008, articles were published about 't Brugs Beertje by Jeff Evans; the Achel Trappist brewery by Roger Protz; as well as a big feature on ten great Belgian beer fests that was co-authored by my friend and colleague, Joe Stange of Brussels. There were several other Belgian articles published as well.
I was happy to see that Joe also has a feature on beer drinking in Lisbon, Portugal in this new issue.
There is also a fine article about Russian River brewing in California, by Chris Galvin. It's well illustrated, with ten photos inside the brewery and tasting room.
Copies of Beers of the World are available at many Barnes and Noble stores, as well as other bookstores and newsstands, in the U.S.
It might be 2 or 3 weeks till this issue appears stateside, as copies have to be shipped from the U.K.